True Alchemy has an imense power of creating transformation, success and manifestation in our lives! As one of the oldest arts and science on the planet, Alchemy has been an old tradition of the Mystery Schools. It is fundamental to fulfill our mission of creating a better world.
Although many people associate Alchemy to a medieval science that tries to turn “lead into gold”, this is a very limited perspective of what Alchemy really is. There is Alchemy in EVERYTHING! It is a very much alive art and science of transformation and raising the vibration in all aspects of life. Alchemy is a way of living!
Alchemy of Life is an opportunity to awaken the understanding of the power of Alchemy through practical experiences that can be applied right away. We will be working with the energies of purification, transformation, awakening the senses, and raising the vibration of your body and soul!
If you want to go deeper into the ancient arts of transmutation and transformation, and discover what Alchemy trully is, this 1-day workshop is a perfect opportunity for you!
In this workshop you will be guided through journeys that will take you through the realms of magick that can be found in the path of the Initiate. The magicks of Shamanism, Ancient Egypt, Enochian,Kabbalah and many others were always extremelly powerful to experience the alchemical process. The path of initiation is an alchemical process itself.
In this 1-day workshop, discover how you purify your consciousness while progressing in your path as an initiate!
The Alchemy Laboratory was not only a set of instruments in a damp room, like found in ancient drawings, but rather something that the practicing alchemists could travel with. This alchemy lab reflected a system, a way of being rather than a set of glasswear or complicated instruments.
Alchemy is the art of raising vibration, the true art of having the highest energy with you at all times, no matter what is going on in your life! This is the goal of this class, to teach you how to create the highest energy at all times, wherever you might be!
The class is divided in two parts:
A 2-day program for the traveling lab system where you will learn to harness alchemy on the run and you truly will understand the deeper meaning of the Great Work through the Ars Regia or the Royal Art!
This program will be focusing on energy for the Body, the Soul and the Spirit or Passion.
You will learn how to use essential oils and other liquids with seals and sigils, to elevate your vibrational frequency.
The world knows that Cleopatra had a beauty and power that changed the world, but what was it exactly? The ancient Egypts were masters in Alchemy and lived life with passion. It is no surprise that there was a hidden magick to be revealed.
A lot of times, as women, we choose our outter beauty to represent us, but who is the inner self that we are representing? What is the spirituality of beauty? What healing and empowerment are possible through inner and outter transformation?
In this workshop you will find the key of living a life in full empowerment, unveiling your inner essence!
Contact Modern Mystery School South America to find out when Alchemy classes are being offered.
Avenida Pequeno Príncipe, 1482, loja 03 – Campeche, Florianópolis – SC, Brasil
+55 48 9 9163 4824