
Guide is the final initiation in the Path of the Healer in the Modern Mystery School tradition and Lineage. It is a great honor and holds a high level of responsibility. A Guide is constantly and continually in service, 100% of the time, always seeing the Light in others. While this is something we can conceptually understand, a Guide must have the courage to act and live this principle all their lives.

A Guide accepts the mission of perpetuate the Great Work through the direction of the Light to those who seek the Path of Initiation. Requires full commitment to service to God and the Hierarchy of Light to guide initiates and help them grow spiritually. A Guide receives the authority and power to initiate Adepts through Empower Thyself class and Initiation.

A Guide lives in full alignment and integrity with the Lineage teachings, serving as an example to those who are seeking the truth and enlightenment through the Path of Initiation. A Guide is always holding the Light so that each individual may see their choices and practice free will. While a Guide may show the way, the decision of what path to take is always individual.

Guides also keep working on knowing themselves to expand aligned with the teachings the Hierarchy of Light. A Guide accepts all that come seeking the Light and is trained to love and respect all without exception or judgement.



Guides have the honour to offer many sacred services that include:

  • Offering the Empower Thyself Class and Initiation
  • Initiate Adepts into the lineage of King Salomon and the Brother and Sisterhood of Light
  • Initiate Life Activation Practitioners (Second Step initiates) in Healers Academy, however they must be authorized to do so and be invited
  • Teaching other various programs and workshops such as Sacred Geometry, Astral Travel, Journeys of the Spirit, and more
  • Healings and specialty services that only a Guide can offer



To become a Guide first you must be a Certifed Life Activation Practitioner with the Modern Mystery School. You need to be using the tools that you received in previous Initiations and be commited to service and dedication to the Light.

There is a application process, where you need to fill out a form stating why do you want to become a Guide, and a Thrid Order member will evaluate your application alongside the Hierarchy of Light.

For more information about Guide Initiation and how to apply, please contact Modern Mystery School South America.


Teachers and Guides in the Modern Mystery School tradition are required to commit to a non-disclosure and non-compete document that ensures that the teachings and tools of the lineage are kept sacred and handed down with the utmost integrity and professionalism.


Avenida Pequeno Príncipe, 1482, loja 03 – Campeche, Florianópolis – SC, Brasil

+55 48 9 9163 4824